Many of us feel unaccepted, misunderstood, underestimated or unnoticed in our environment today. It is fancy to be someone else or to do some other things, that move us away from our true nature - the Authentic Self - who we really are. Therefore, it is so easy to get caught yourself being some persona, having some role and being identified with what is not true. And, most importantly, it gets your attention out of the True Essence of Being, bringing more suffering to the life. This space is created for you to be who you really are, with all what you experience, sense, feel and witness at the moment.
The atmosphere at the essential dance has a relaxing and regenerating effect: in a comfortable, cozy, pleasant and safe environment, we open up and grow together, returning to the major essence of the life, cherishing the highest values.

"Some people know me as a fitness trainer, who has been active for more than a decade in this field. Others - as a professional dancer and a performer, who leads dancing classes and sessions, successfully fulfilling myself at the entertainment business, dancing at the biggest show tours and arenas with Donny Montell and other famous singers in Lithuania. Others also know me as a coach of emotional releasing, a lecturer of self-educational seminars, as so the organizer of retreats and trips to Asia, who shares her own experiences, discoveries and perception to life, that has fundamentally changed her life.
In the fountain of Love... from Heart to Heart... from inner pearls... I share the wisdom of discovered gifts..." - Zuzana Bardovska, the founder of "Essential Dance".
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