Essential dance
In within the flow of dance from inner feeling, in union with the sounds of music, live instruments, sacred essential oils from the highest quality essential oils producer "Young Living" and guidance, that what may unfold the creation of your own journey of the essential movement... It is the experience, that leads to the Self-knowledge, through the live dance movement, connecting the essential parts of yours - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies in the integrity of oneness.



Where the desire to shine with the beauty of the inner wisdom is born. Where the coziness is surrounded by playfulness. The lightness of the unspoken feeling comes. The sweetness of the delicacy of life is. Where the strength leaded by the power. Where the crystals glow from the Essence. Where the only Real remains as Truth...
It is often seem to a person, that dancing requires talent, needs practise, determination and professionalism... Yes, but at the same time not always and not necessarily. For the simplest movement, using the most natural instrument we have - the physical body, observing it and listening to its needs, together - the sounds and music play, we create the ability to move consciously freely for the body - as the body invites, as the body wants, as the body feels, as the body itself able to and only with Your own permission.
And suddenly you become the creator of your own dance, as well as your life...